Minggu, 25 Maret 2012




Iv'e always been the underdog.
I've always been the abandoned one.
I've always been the un-supported one.

People never look at me.
People never see me fighting.
People never watch me trying.

They said i'm not going to reach it.
They said i'm not going to make it.
They said i'm just too small to dream big.

I love being the underdog.
I love that i will see their dropped jaws when they see me winning.
I love that i will not see their tears when they see me losing.

I think that's my favourite part of being the underdog :)


Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012



Just want to share a piece of paper. A paper i will never forget.

Just want to share a date. A date i will never forget.

Just want to share a place. A place i will never forget.

It's not that i'm not moving on. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past. Because my past is just too precious to be forgotten.

Thank God for giving me the chance.
 Thank God for a a blessing year.
God,give me the strength to pass it all.
I know your plan is always much more beautiful than mine.
I know There's always a silver lining in every dark cloud.


Jumat, 23 Maret 2012



From emilylayla.wordpress.com

"Respect,then you'll be respected"

Terlalu banyak yang ingin dihargai tanpa menghargai yang lain. Terlalu banyak yang ingin dihormati tapa menghormati yang lain. Saya kadang cuma bisa tertawa kecil dalam hati. Sepertinya memang kebanyakan dari kita belum mengerti konsep "You'll get what you give" . Yah,mungkin menghargai orang lain itu gampang,masalahnya kebanyakan dari kita hanya menghargai siapa yang berada di atas dan melupakan bahwa kita juga harus menghargai siapa yang sejajar atau bahkan di bawah kita. Kamu tahu,kadang kita sendiri juga tidak menghargai diri kita sendiri dengan membuat nilai kita rendah di depan orang-orang. Dengan membuat nilai kita yang rendah maka rasa hormat orang lain akan diri kita juga akan turun. Intinya,janganlah menurunkan nilai-nilai baik kita di depan orang-orang. Buatlah diri kita pantas untuk dihargai.

 Mungkin terlihat gampang, Gampang kan untuk tersenyum bahkan bersalaman tangan dengan guru kita misalnya. Tapi pernah gak sih kita tersenyum dan bersalaman tangan dengan misalnya penjual makanan di kantin sekolah,atau pramubakti sekolah? Hei ingat loh menghargai siapa saja,tanpa melihat statusnya. Atau coba kita lihat ke contoh yang lain,misalnya dengan adik kelas. Kadang kita sering menggampangkan adik kelas, "Ah udahlah dia adik kelas ini" coba tanya diri sendiri,sering gak tuh pertanyaan seperti itu mereka,ini salahmu yang tak membuat dirimu pantas dipanggil kakak kelas. Sering gak tuh kamu menggunakan statusmu sebagai "kakak kelas" untuk memanfaatkan adik kelasmu. Buatlah dirimu pantas untuk dipanggil sebagai "kakak kelas" dengan bertindak dan bersikap seperti "kakak" yang emang pantas menjadi panutan adik-adiknya. Kalau belum bisa bertindak sebagai layaknya seorang kakak,tidak usah lah menuntut banyak adik kelasmu akan menghargaimu,pantaslah kalau mereka sudah tak pernah menghormatimu,bukan salah mereka,tapi salahmu yang tak membuat dirimu pantas untuk menyandang status kakak kelas. :)

 "Tidak usah terlalu berharap banyak ingin dihargai,kalau menghargai yang lain saja belum bisa."

Masalah yang akan saya sorot pada topik ini adalah masalah nyata yang saya alami. Ya,tentang salah seorang guru saya,guru saya. Saya sangat sedih melihat betapa-tak-dihargai nya guru saya oleh beberapa orang. Dengan seenaknya mereka berbicara dengan sangat berisik saat Pak guru sedang berbicara di depan. Dengan seenaknya mereka berkata kasar di belakang Pak guru. Dengan seenaknya mereka melontarkan jawaban-jawaban pahit yang mungkin bisa dibilang sangat sarkastik ketika Pak guru bertanya. Ketika saya bertanya,mereka menjawab alasannya adalah cara mengajar Pak guru yang tidak baik,bahkan alasannya adalah Pak guru itu tidak berguna. Sebuah penilaian yang buruk terhadap Pak guru. Disamping semua kelamahan-kelemahan yang dimiliki Pak guru,Pak guru tetap lah guru kita. 

"Hargai. Bahkan saat orang tersebut tak pantas menerimanya"

Bayangkan seberapa besar pelecehan kami terhadap Pak guru. Jujur saya sedih. 

Pernahkan kamu berbicara di depan,lalu orang lain dengan rasa bersalah membuat kebisingan tanpa memperhatikan ucapanmu sama sekali? 
Pernahkah kamu berusaha untuk memberi kebaikan kepada orang lain lalu orang tersebut malah menghinamu dibelakang karena caramu memberi kebaikan tidak ia terima?
Pernahkah kamu bertanya dengan baik-baik,lalu orang lain menjawabnya dengan kasar,karena kamu telah di cap buruk olehnya?
Pernahkan kamu berusaha untuk memperbaiki citra burukmu tetapi orang lain tak mau peduli karena kamu telah dicap buruk selamanya?

Mungkin memang sulit untuk membayangkannya jika kamu tidak pernah berada di posisi seperti itu. Saya tahu seberapa sakit nya berada di posisi seperti itu. Saya pernah merasakannya. Mungkin suatu hari kamu akan mengerti,saya harap secepatnya. Secepatnya kamu mengerti. Mudah-mudahan kamu tidak sampai merasakan posisi Pak guru. 

Ini cuma sebuah tamparan dan refleksi bagi kita semua,mungkin saya sendiri secara tak sadar maupun sadar juga masih melecehkan atau tidak menghargai Pak guru atau orang lain. Semoga kita semua dapat memposisikan diri kita agar pantas dihargai orang lain. Semoga. :)




One Sunny Day in Granny (whom i called Uti)'s in Madiun,Jawa timur, i talked about future with my fams.( Pakde Wisnu,Bude Ike,Mama and Uti) We talked all about choosing the Faculties,what we are going to do to make it happen,which faculties i should choose and how to reach our dreams and goals. A moment later Uti said something awesome which motivated me,which became my recent fav motivation to reach dreams. 

"Uti pernah gagal,Kamu tidak boleh sama seperti Uti, Kamu harus berhasil. Harus,Kamu harus jadi orang yang berhasil untuk mimpi-mimpimu 
-Uti,Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada,Ingin menjadi Duta Besar 
I adore her so much. really. She's a strong,brave,smart and inspirational woman. I love her. God please,make her proud of me. I'll do my best for her.




Thursday night,March 22 2012. 

I was just trolling (Or we can call it fooling) around on Twitter when suddenly a strange tweet popped out.

And i was like : SUBHANALLAH! IT'S NOT LIKE THE USUAL! Unlike this one,they usually just tweet about the selection and stuffs. And then many thoughts started to pop out on my mind. Then i stopped thinking,and assumed they just wanted to know how much the enthusiasm of last-year-participants of joining the program is. Besides,it would stimulate the spirits of this-year-participants.  

Just a minute later,a wild tweet from @chapterjakarta appeared! (for the 2nd time)

 "Ada ksmpatan ke-2 ga?"
"Ada ksmpatan ke-2 ga?"
"Ada ksmpatan ke-2 ga?" 
"Ada ksmpatan ke-2 ga?" 
"Ada ksmpatan ke-2 ga?" 

What?! What the asdfhjkl did i just read?! Is this for real?! Are they going to give us the SECOND CHANCE? Are they going to make this happen? Are they going to re-select us,again? Are they going to give some of us the wildcards? Are they going to let the 11th grader to do the tests again? CAN I GET THE CHANCE OF BEING AN AFS-ER,AGAIN? SUBHANALLAH,SUBHANALLAH,SUBHANALLAH. 
i don't know what was happening,my heart beat faster and faster,my body was freezing for a moment,my head was full of random thoughts,i was getting dizzy. I think i was just getting the spirit again,i was bursting. If God let this happen,i swear i would give my best. Then,i got sleepy and decided to sleep earlier. That night,i slept with full of hopes inside me.

Friday morning,March 23 2012

I woke up with a smile and quickly checked my twitter,checking if there's someting new from @binabud as a reply for @chapterjakarta 's last tweet. And finally i found this.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. i should've known it from the start. They were just trolling,joking. it's impossible for me and another failed participants to get the wildcards. I know there are so many juniors waiting for the selection. I know they will give the scholarships to them who never get the chances before. i should've known all of this. So,juniors,take this gold chance seriously. :)  


Rabu, 21 Maret 2012



Dear Grammar Nazis,sorry for my bad grammar. 
Dear Juniors,i wish this would help.

Yap! 2011 was ASDFGHJKL year for me. You know,after all the struggles and works and pains and tears (whoops i shouldn't mention them on this post!) of Bina Antar Budaya selection 2011 which i participated in,finally the new chapter comes! this is it, BINA ANTARBUDAYA SELECTION 2012! That means  A LOT of NEW DREAMS,HOPES,AND SPIRITS are going to show up from all sides of the country. Yeay,aren't you gald to hear that? Because i am :) 

I'm now going to give you all my beloved juniors (especially my juniors in SMAN 1 Tangerang), some general views of the selection,or maybe some motivations so that you guys wil be 100 % sure to join the program. Why do i do this? Because i want you all to pass all steps of the selection! i want you to be an EXCHANGE STUDENT! i want you to get a bigger chance than the other competitors! i want you to get the experience! i want you to live your dreams! i want you not-to-be like me.


1. INTRODUCTION : What is Bina Antarbudaya?

This is what i get from the official website of Bina Antarbudaya Chapter Jakarta (See more at : www.babjakarta.org )

Bina Antarbudaya didirikan pada tanggal 2 Mei 1985 oleh kak Taufiq Ismail, kak Tanri Abeng, kak Irid Agoes, kak Kartono Mohamad dan kak Sophie Gunawan Satari. Lahir bertepatan dengan hari Pendidikan Nasional, Bina Antarbudaya mengambil posisi sebagai organisasi pendidikan di saat kebutuhan terhadap pengenalan budaya lain sangat diperlukan dalam interaksi global.
Dengan misi turut mewujudkan perdamaian dunia, Bina Antarbudaya bertujuan untuk menciptakan persahabatan internasional melalui program pertukaran dan pendidikan antarbudaya. Mereka yang tersentuh hidupnya oleh program-program Bina Antarbudaya diharapkan dapat menjadi pemimpin yang secara aktif mewujudkan perdamaian dunia dan kerjasama antarbangsa dalam bidang kerja masing-masing.
Bina Antarbudaya berprinsip tidak membedakan agama, ras, pendidikan, latar belakang sosial dan ekonomi, bersifat nirlaba dan berorientasi pada kepentingan orang banyak. Bina Antarbudaya mengembangkan dirinya sebagai organisasi milik masyarakat berbasis relawan, yang melibatkan berbagai kalangan tanpa adanya eksklusifitas dan elitisme.
Bina Antarbudaya memiliki Dewan Pembina, Dewan Pengurus dan Kantor Nasional yang berkedudukan di Jakarta serta lima belas Chapter (cabang) di seluruh Indonesia, yang secara penuh dikelola oleh relawan. Relawan tersebut mencakup anggota masyarakat dari berbagai usia dan latar belakang, mulai dari siswa SMA, mahasiswa, keluarga, guru dan para profesional lainya, hingga pemerintah yang semuanya secara sukarela memberikan waktu, tenaga dan sumber daya lainnya demi mencapai visi-misi Bina Antarbudaya. Dalam melaksakan kegiatannya, Bina Antarbudaya bekerja sama dengan organisasi yang sejalan dengan tujuannya.
Kegiatan Bina Antarbudaya mencakup beberapa bidang antara lain pengiriman siswa, guru dan relawan Indonesia; penerimaan siswa, guru dan relawan asing dalam berbagai program; pengumpulan dana dan beasiswa, serta pembinaan pelatihan relawan. Keempat bidang tersebut merupakan suatu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, karena saling menunjang satu sama lain.

And their visions are :

Bina Antarbudaya/AFS is a forerunner in selecting and supporting the development of potential young people in becoming future leaders with high cross cultural empathy and fluency, in their respective fields of endeavour.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS program is equally opened to and participated by potential future leaders regardless of their socio-economic conditions.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS is a trusted partner who is consulted by the Government and educational institutions on critical intercultural issues.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS is seen as a potential partner by organizations with similar objectives as an organization that aligns similarities and capitalizes on differences in the effort of achieving significant world common goals.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS is run with the spirit of community ownership. The community members voluntarily allocate their time, efforts and other resources in achieving our mission and objectives which are regarded as their own.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS has volunteers that produce the highest quality results in the spirit of peace, love and cooperation in an effective and efficient manner with full responsibility and commitment.
Bina Antarbudaya/AFS is seen as an organization that generates sufficient resources to fund various programs emphasizing on balanced socio-economic diversity, spiritual and physical aspects, as well as long and short term needs.
2. THE SELECTION : I Want To Go Abroad!

Setiap tahun Bina Antarbudaya menerima dan mengirim putra-putri terbaik yang secara serius berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan, tanpa membedakan agama, ras, suku, maupun latar belakang sosial, ekonomi untuk dapat tinggal dan belajar baik untuk jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek di berbagai negara, antara lain : Amerika Serikat, Australia, Belanda, Belgia, Italia, Jepang, Jerman, Norwegia, dan Swiss.
Kalau kamu berusia 15 – 16 tahun dan duduk di kelas 1 (satu) SMA atau sederajat KAMU BISA mengikuti proses seleksi (3 Tahap) pertukaran pelajar INAYPsc yang diadakan setiap tahunnya. Biasanya, kami mengadakan acara seleksi antara bulan Mei sampai Juli.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan menghubungi sekretariat chapter terdekat : Medan, Padang, Palembang, Jakarta, Bogor, Karawang, Bandung, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Makassar.
I want to share some of my experience about the selection last year. So the selection is divided into 3 steps.
1. STEP 1 (PAPER TEST) : consist of three parts (all written test)

  •  General/common knowlege : In this part you are going to get general or (maybe we can say random questions) such as; International/National events that are being held,Global/National knowledges (National anthem,Presidents,Continents,Motto of the countries,Flags,Traditional stuffs etc. which you can find on RPUL),International/National hot news (Hot topics which are being talked by common people like Europe monetary crisis,Gayus Tambunan corruption case,Cabinet reshuffle etc.), International/National history (Perang paderi,Raden Ajeng Kartini background,Presidents of Indonesia) Basic science skill (Math,Physics,Biology,Chemistry),Scientific Facts (The first satellite of America,First man landed in the moon etc.) Sports (Olympiad,Worldcup,F1 etc.), Musics/entertainment (like Grammy awards,Billboard raising artists,JavaJazz,The concerts which are being held in Indonesia etc.) 
Hints : Be AWARE of anything that is happening around you,watch TV,read some papers,read RPUL,learn the basic science skill,browse anything that you think it might help you.

  • English Basic Skill : In this part you'll get some basic questions of english,calm down it's just like the ordinary daily english test in school.
Hints : Read more VOCABULARY!

  • Bahasa Indonesia : In this part you gotta make an ESSAY with minimum length of 1 and half folio paper with 1 of 3 topics given ( For example : What will you do if you were a Minister Of Education in Indonesia? ,What are your life principles? Explain! , If you got a chance of meeting Mr. President Barack Obama,what will you tell or ask him? ) 
Hints : Just be YOU. Be honest,don't be a hyperbolic,don't show off,don't be an arrogant,don't be a sarcastic,write with your best manner.

Before the test
The girls
The Crowd

During the test

In a Class

Meanwhile in a class...

Somewhere in dreamland...
I have no idea... Anyone?

Lunch Break

Just chillin
How was the test?
Happy face
2. STEP 2 (INTERVIEW) : If only you pass the first one,you'll get 2 interviews about your vision/mission,background,motivation of joining the program etc. The first one is in english,the second one is in Bahasa Indonesia. (There are some native interviewers in english interview,don't be scared,they are warm and nice people :) )
Hints : 
  • DO = Smile! Be confident,Be humble,Be friendly (It'll be much better to make a ton of friends there! Be friend with your competitors!) Be nice to everyone you meet (NOTE: EVERY-ONE), Be you just the way you are,Be honest,Be brave (to say what's on your mind out loud,of course with your best manner),Show them that you deserve to get that scholarship.
  • DON'T = Over-act, Be arrogant,Be introvert ( I think you already knew what i mean here,just be naturally friendly).


Signing some papers

Waiting Room

The teams

Our "Kakak-kakak yang baik hati" :)

The man in the mid is the owner of these pics hehe Kak Daeng Randy

3.STEP 3 (GROUP DYNAMICS) = If only you pass the 2nd one,you'll be-secretly-grouped by the teams of Binabud,you'll be grouped with 4 strangers (competitors) you never know who. Then,you'll have to wait in the waiting room with all competitors left. Just chill out with them while waiting the call from the teams. You'll know who your group partners are,exactly when the teams call your name and what group you are in. After that,you and your group will be guided to a room full of judges (there might be 6-7 judges). Some ever said to me that the kind of Group Dynamics test given varies every year,but now i'm gonna tell you about last year test. So, 2011 test : you'll get scissors,a sticky tape, a small green marker,old newspaper. From all the things given,you'll get 30 minutes to make something useful from those things. While you are working with your partners,all the judges will see how good your public relation skill is,how you interract with others,how creative you are,how good your problemsolving skill is,how good your attitude is,how compact your group is,etc. Then,right after you've finished it,the judges will give you another 30 minutes to present all about your group's creation. In this section you have to be confident to speak up what's on your mind. They will see how good your public speaking skill is. But still,speak with your best manner.

Hints : 
  • DO : Be active,Be creative,Be low profile,Be polite,Be confident,Be brave,think out of the box etc. Since you won't know which group you are in and who your partners are,it'll be better to make friends in waiting room as many as possible. So that,whoever your partners are,you'll work with them better because you guys have known each other before. Besides,you'll get more links!
  • DON'T : Be passive,Be arrogant,Dominate the works (Don't make this group test into personal test! Your partners need to have roles in it too! They need to be heard too! This is not your own test! note that),Interrupt the others,Offensively attack your partners ( Remember,they are your competitors (in this case,your PARTNERS),not your ENEMIES,not to be attacked! this test need a good teamwork. You need to get high together,not to get the others down,just like what friends are)
The Waiting Room

Kak Wendy-Kak Irfan-Kak Ayumi CMIIW!


I got my eyes on you,kids....

Reading OR Praying OR Sleeping?

Sweeeeeeettt :p

That's Alifah

Nice to meet you!

Some Groups

Execution Room
Reading the rules

The Judges

Kika (girl with the bag),Luna (girl wearing stripes cardi), Kevin

What are we gonna make?




So,this is our creation..


Luna Hapsari (again) :p

So, I think that's all from me,i hope this would help! FYI,i failed on the 3rd selection. If i had a time machine, i would go back to 2011 and change it all. I want to show my best (again),i want to get that gold chance (again),i want to see my mom cries happily seeing me pass all steps of selection. I WANT TO GO ABROAD. SEE? i wish i could but,you know that's impossible! :)



I know i've failed but at least i'm not a coward who dreams big but afraid to make it real,i know you are not. :)

(PS :I'll post more about this if you ask me to,i'd love to help you juniors,feel free to ask me anything on my twitter @hemasari or my Facebook Arlinda Eraria Hemasari,or if you are a SMAN1TRAN just come to my class @ XI IPA 6 )

Kak Daeng Randy Indra @DaengRandy
