Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Malala Yousafzai


Seorang gadis muda yang berani untuk berdiri, untuk bicara, untuk mengubah dunia. Dialah Malala Yousafzai.

Saya sedang bermalas-malasan di tempat tidur saya sore itu, sekitar jam 14.30 , menunggu ibu saya untuk mengantar saya ke tempat Pak Waluyo, guru les menyetir mobil yang memulai lesnya jam 15.00. Dengan sedikit mengantuk, saya (yang merasa tidak ada kerjaan padahal menumpuk) iseng-iseng membuka twitter dan menemukan akun @afutami (Seorang aktivis muda yang bersama membangun IFL bersama @Imanusman ) muncul di timeline saya yang kebetulan sedang sepi. Iseng-iseng, saya buka akunnya dan mulai stalking. Diantara video-video yang kebanyakan berupa video diskusi tentang isu-isu sosial-politik, saya menemukan video yang menurut saya luar biasa mengagumkan. Ini videonya :

Malala Yousafzai's address to the un

(Maaf, blog saya mengalami masalah sehingga tidak dapat menampilkan video. Klik untuk menonton. )

     Malala adalah seorang gadis kelahiran 1997 yang luar biasa. Ia tinggal di Kota Mingora, Pakistan. Tempat yang penuh konflik terutama dengan kelompok garis keras Taliban. Pada tahun 2009, di usia 11-12 tahun Malala membuat blog pada BBC sebagai anonim tentang bagaimana kehidupannya di Pakistan. Tentang bagaimana kerasnya hidup di tengah perang dan konflik. Tentang bagaimana sulitnya bersekolah karena Taliban melarang anak perempuan untuk sekolah. Tentang bagaimana hak-hak warga sekitarnya dirampas oleh penjahat-penjahat perang. Hebatnya, Malala kecil tidak takut menyuarakan suara-suara yang tak didengar, suara orang-orang yang dirampas haknya karena perang. Malang nasib Malala, pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2012 Malala ditembak di kepala dan leher saat berada di bus sekolah dalam perjalanan pulang oleh penembak Taliban. Memang bukan hal yang mengejutkan, tentu saja Malala kecil sudah menjadi target Taliban. Beruntung Malala kecil mendapat perhatian warga dunia, ia akhirnya diterbangkan ke Queen Elizabeth Hospital di Birmingham, Inggris, guna mendapat perawatan yang lebih intensif. Untunglah jiwa Malala terselamatkan. Ia akhirnya dibawa ke depan konferensi PBB untuk berpidato dan menyuarakan perjuangannya menuntut hak pendidikan. 

Berikut beberapa kutipan tulisan Malala kepada BBC .

I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the military operation in Swat. My mother made me breakfast and I went off to school. I was afraid going to school because the Taleban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools.Only 11 pupils attended the class out of 27. The number decreased because of Taleban's edict. My three friends have shifted to Peshawar, Lahore and Rawalpindi with their families after this edict.On my way from school to home I heard a man saying 'I will kill you'. I hastened my pace and after a while I looked back if the man was still coming behind me. But to my utter relief he was talking on his mobile and must have been threatening someone else over the phone.
Malala Yousafzai, 3 January 2009 BBC blog

It seems that it is only when dozens of schools have been destroyed and hundreds others closed down that the army thinks about protecting them. Had they conducted their operations here properly, this situation would not have arisen.
Malala Yousafzai 24 January 2009 BBC blog 

People do not leave their homeland on their own free will – only poverty or a lover usually makes you leave so rapidly.
Malala Yousafzai 9 February 2009 BBC blog

Disadur dari Wikipedia : klik disini

Jujur, mata saya berkaca-kaca menahan air mata saat menonton tayangan Malala saat berpidato di depan PBB. Kain pashmina Benazir Bhutto yang ia kenakan, memang pantas untuk segala perjuangannya. Malala benar-benar sosok seorang gadis remaja pemberani yang membuat saya kagum.

 Sosok yang meyakinkan saya bahwa umur tidak membatasi seseorang untuk berani berbuat kebaikan untuk membuat perubahan. Bahwa pemuda adalah memang benar agen perubahan. Bahwa pemuda mempunyai kekuatan yang tidak bisa diremehkan. Bahwa pemuda mampu untuk mengubah dunia ini ke arah kebaikan.

 Sosok yang meyakinkan saya bahwa gender tidak bisa dijadikan batasan seseorang untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak, pendidikan yang dulu hanya diperuntukan untuk kaum Adam. Bahwa perempuan layak di-manusia-kan seperti laki-laki. Bahwa perempuan mempunyai andil besar dalam mencerdaskan bangsa, karena perlu diingat pendidikan yang pertama kali anak terima adalah dari keluarga, dan pendidik pertama seorang anak adalah ibu. 

Sosok yang meyakinkan saya bahwa kebenaran memang harus diperjuangan meskipun nyawa taruhannya. Bahwa tak apa berjalan sendiri melawan arus demi menegakkan kebenaran.

Sosok yang meyakinkan saya bahwa keberanian bisa tumbuh pada siapapun, pada mereka yang rela berjuang dan mati mencoba, saat yang lain hanya diam tak berdaya.

Sosok yang meyakinkan saya bahwa kekuatan seseorang tidak dinilai dari seberapa kuat fisiknya atau seberapa canggih senjatanya, tapi dari seberapa ikhlas hati untuk bergerak membuat perubahan dan seberapa besar hati untuk rela memaafkan.

     Malala yang hebat mengajarkan saya banyak hal hari ini. Sudah sepantasnya saya malu kepada diri saya sendiri. Sebagai pemuda yang memiliki potensial besar, tak sepantasnya saya mengeluh lagi tentang masalah-masalah bangsa ini. Bukan hanya memprotes masalah ini dan itu tanpa mencari tahu apa solusinya. Saya dan kamu dan pemuda-pemuda Indonesia lain sudah seharusnya mempertanyakan apa yang sudah kita berikan pada bangsa ini, bukannya menuntut apa yang bangsa ini sudah berikan untuk kita.'

 Saya yakin suatu hari, saat kita sudah benar-benar dapat berdiri dengan kaki sendiri, saya, kamu dan seluruh pemuda Indonesia akan mengubah bangsa ini menjadi lebih baik.


I have a new dream … I must be a politician to save this country. There are so many crises in our country. I want to remove these crises.
Malala Yousafzai


Minggu, 13 Januari 2013



Hello folks! Whoaaah i feel like a zombie waking up from the grave now. Its been ages since my last post here. I even just realized that Blogger has the new layout. Is there more thing i missed out? World War III maybe? I don't hope so.

Yeah,it's 2013 already! Wohooooo! it'll be the most amazing and challenging year for sure! UN and SNMPTN is like 4 MONTHS AHEAD! Yes,i know i should be studying right now (That's my reason why i didn't post many. I don't have time for it. Well,i don't really like writing tho.)

Looking back to 2012,last year,I felt so blessed and grateful that year.
First,MBSS went well! yeah,with many problems of course. Something good always comes with bad things,right? we should only focus in the good thing,right? It was frustating yet exciting to welcome the new fam members of SMANITRA. I got so many life lessons to learn. I felt so blessed to be surround by great great friends aka MBSS team who made it happen! I don't know what i should say or do to thank them all,i told you, they're amazing! thankyou for all of your hardworks! thankyou for your loyalty! I hope i could thank you one by one and express how grateful i am to have y'all! Hope God will reward you with the things i can't give to y'all! Amin. And i want to say WELCOME TO THE MOST AMAZING SCHOOL EVER,FRESHMEN, Brothers and sisters! SMA NEGERI 1 TANGERANG! SMANITRA! Yes,say it loudly,proudly! You all are now entering the new stage of life, a high school life. Hope you'll get amazing life lessons and adventure here. And don't forget all of the values we told you in last MBSS. :D

Colours of the new spirirt! SMANITRA '55!

Then, Thank God for letting me join the Student Exchange program in my school. Alhamdulillah,i went to Australia on July with like 30 others for 17 days.DOPE! I felt so much blessed that my father (who works in Garuda Indonesia) got the free airplane ticket so we didn't have to pay for it. (That was the reason why he let me in the program,we paid less than the others! Alhamdulillah) It was an amazing adventure!  i would post loads about this later! not now! Because there's so much to share about this. hahaha :D Here's some pictures for you. (Random,super random pictures!)

Agnia - Dina - Etew - Gue

Arrival! wohoooooo!

Subuh-subuh di Sydney Central nunggu kereta sama cici Yoan :3

Darling Harbour at night baby!

Opal iting - Unknown - Oo gendut

Harbour bridge,bung!

Boys and gals mejeng di Sydney!
Sydney Opera House

Let's get the party started! In Social Night!

Bule gila!

Sophie - Elsya - Ela - Megan Fox 

Yang di belakang suram....

Me plus little Aleah :3

Emma Watson - Kitana - Demitha

Home sweet home,miss you all guys!

Lachy - Pencuri kesempatan - Baden

Narrandera Hostfam! Dad - Mom - Dian Sastro - Melinda

Cousin Alison - Pevita Pearce


Barbie (BBQ) in the backfield of Macksville High School

Cutie pie Aleah belum mandi,hihi
Macksville hostfam! Dad - Mom - Sherina - Aleah (kurang si Willow :(  )

Last night in Narrandera :(

The most important part of 2012 is on December,15 I finally forgave myself. I finally made peace with myself. It needs 17 months to forgive myself. I used to blame myself more and more that i couldn't make it happen. i'm pretty sure y'all know what i am talking about now. Yes,it's all about AFS(YES). I used to believe that it was my biggest failure in life. I thought i was so stupid that i can't make it happen, yes it was like only 1 more step to get! It was like i could see Times Square in just 10 cm in front of my big eyeballs. And the biggest thing that always be my nightmare last 2 years was that i couldn't make my mom proud. And made her cry of my failure is hurting. (Although,she never showed me how dissapointed she was,nor showed me her crying,i know she was.) Sick,you know. Everytime i had mom in mind and my failure mixed together i felt like hell. I was so mad to myself. I remember her painful smile just after she read me the AFS letter. That strong fake smile just to make me feel better. I was crying loudly like there was a Hiroshima explosion in my brain,like there was hunderds of knives stabbing right to my left chest again and again. I am sorry,i'm being hyperbolic now. But it's true,i don't know how to say it. Thank God for sending me an angel like mom. She's a brave strong woman with full of love inside her pure heart. Thank God for waking me up on December 15. For making me realized that it's not a FAILURE but a LESSON. For making me realized that i couldn't always be like that,blaming the girl on the mirror and keep yelling and saying how stupid she was. I finally realized. i can't blame myself! why? because again,i'ts NOT my FAILURE at all! I gave my best and the rest is in His hands. So why so sad? It's the best plan that ALLAH gave me. I know,ALLAH always give me the best way. Allah strengthened me,Allah built me so that i can be a better person. Allah let me fall hard so i can bounce even higher! Life is a trampoline right? Who knows the future? No one does. So who says i broke my dream? i didn't! Yes,i know i'm still on the way reaching it. I believe that someday i'll be standing proudly in the Liberty Island. I believe that!

My Dreamland's skyline

 But..... its way long to go. I still have plans and targets that i should reach first. Like..... PTN. OMG it's like 4 MONTHS AHEAD (Reminder)! hahaha let do this fellas! It's our journey. It's our choices which way to go. Let's enjoy this amazing journey called life. We all don't know what our future will be. So let's create it,because the best way to predict our future is to create it!

Semua orang pernah jatuh. Beberapa memilih terperosok lebih dalam,dan lainnya mencoba berdiri lalu lari kembali. Bagaimana dengamu?

Hey,its 21.57 already! Time to go back to work! See ya later folks! :D
